Members Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy


As a Member of Kooindah Waters Golf Club (KWGC) you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by KWGC and in your role as a Member in any activity held by or under the auspices of KWGC:

  • Be fair, considerate and respect the rights of fellow Members/staff/players. Refrain from any behaviour that may bring KWGC into disrepute.
  • Do not use your involvement with KWGC to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with those of KWGC.
  • Care for and respect the infrastructure and equipment of the golf course and the associated hotel and residential development.
  • Conduct yourself in a professional manner relating to language, temper and punctuality. Refrain from any form of harassment of others.
  • Abide by the Rules of Golf and KW Local Rules, observe all directions in respect of the pace of play and respect the decision of the authorised official, making all appeals through the formal process and respecting the final decision.
  • Respect all staff and abide by the directions given.

Breaching any part of this Code may result in a Member/player being given a verbal or written warning.

For more severe cases or repeat offences a Member/player will be suspended from play and may not recommence play until the matter has been adjudicated. The involved Member(s)/player(s) may be asked to provide testimony on the matter.

Management has the right to TERMINATE MEMBERSHIP if they feel the Member has breached the Code of Conduct in a severe case or verbally/physically abused a member of the staff, fellow member or guest.


This policy sets out the standards which members are expected to observe when making posts to social media on matters affecting the Club.

The basic rule

  1. A member must not cause anything to be displayed, distributed, or circulated on any social media platform which
  • disparages, ridicules, or otherwise brings into disrepute, or
  • causes damage to, or
  • exposes to liability, any person associated with the Club.

Specific rules

  1. A member must not on any social media platform
  • in relation to any person associated with the Club, or
  • in a way which could be taken to be on behalf of the Club,

post any material that is offensive, harassing, discriminatory, embarrassing, intimidating, sexually explicit, bullying, hateful, racist, sexist, or otherwise inappropriate.

  1. A member must not on any personal social media platform use any of the Club’s intellectual property or imagery without prior approval from the Golf Manager or the Ownership.
  2. Without limiting the generality of the basic rule, a member must not in using social media
  • Use the Club’s name or logo in a way that would result in a negative impact for the Club or its members.
  • Post or share any content related to any person associated with the Club that is abusive, harassing, threatening, demeaning, defamatory or libellous.
  • Post or share any content in breach of the Club’s anti-discrimination, racial discrimination, sexual harassment, or other similar policy.
  • Post or share material that brings, or risks bringing, the Club, any person associated with the Club or any sponsor of the Club into disrepute. In this context, bringing a person or

organisation into disrepute is to lower the reputation of that person or organisation in the eyes of the ordinary members of the public.

  • Reveal any of the Club’s confidential information, including information that is not publicly accessible or widely known, or is not expected to be shared outside of the Club.


  1. In this policy,

social media refers to any online tools or functions that allow people to communicate or to share content by use of the internet;

person associated with the Club means the Club, or any contractor to the Club (including the manager), or any director, officer, member or employee of the Club or of any such contractor.